There are several reasons why a podcast video might need help to rank on YouTube. Understanding these factors can help address potential issues and improve your video’s ranking. Here are some common reasons and tips for improvement:

Tanvir Hushan
2 min readJun 11, 2024


1. Poor Metadata Optimization:


  • Not Using Relevant Keywords: Titles that don’t include relevant keywords are less likely to appear in search results.
  • Unclear Titles: Titles that are not descriptive or compelling may not attract clicks.


  • Lack of Detail: A sparse description without relevant keywords and information can hinder your video’s SEO.
  • No Timestamps or Links: Failing to include timestamps, links to related content, or additional information reduces user engagement and searchability.


  • Inadequate or Irrelevant Tags: Using too few tags or tags irrelevant to the content can limit your video’s visibility.

2. Low Engagement Metrics:

👉👉Click-Through Rate (CTR):

  • Unattractive Thumbnails: Thumbnails that are not eye-catching or relevant can reduce CTR.
  • Uncompelling Titles: Titles that fail to entice viewers to click will lower CTR.

👉👉Watch Time and Audience Retention:

  • Boring Content: If the content is not engaging, viewers will leave early, reducing watch time and retention rates.
  • Poor Audio/Video Quality: Subpar audio and video quality can distract viewers.


  • Low Interaction Rates: Videos with few likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions signal to YouTube that the content is not engaging.

3. Insufficient Promotion and Backlinks:

👉👉Lack of Social Media Promotion:

  • No Cross-Promotion: Not promoting your video on social media platforms can limit its reach.
  • Inactive Social Media Presence: An inactive or nonexistent social media presence can reduce potential viewer engagement.

4. Content Quality:

👉👉Content Value:

  • Low-Quality Content: Videos that don’t provide value or are poorly produced can fail to engage viewers.
  • Lack of Relevance: Content that doesn’t align with the interests of your target audience will likely receive less engagement.

5. Technical Issues:

👉👉Thumbnails and Closed Captions:

  • No Custom Thumbnails: Using auto-generated thumbnails instead of custom ones can reduce attractiveness and CTR.
  • No Captions or Transcripts: Lack of captions or transcripts can affect accessibility and SEO.

👉👉Video Length:

  • Inappropriate Length: Videos that are too long or too short for the topic can negatively impact viewer retention.

By solving these areas, you can improve the chances of your podcast videos ranking higher on YouTube, increasing visibility and attracting more viewers.

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Tanvir Hushan

I'm a Digital Marketer. I can help you for your Website SEO, YouTube SEO and Google Ads campaign. Visit My Website: